
Tomorrow is World Book Day. There are so many celebrated, campaigning and/or awareness raising “days” that I have lost count over the years. But this one is productive in that it encourages reading and enjoying literature – opens up a whole new world for one to explore.

 When I was in my teens, as part of the numerous English assignments we had to complete, one was a 2000 word book review – known as the Review of Personal Reading. How I loathed it. The thought of completing a 2000 word essay when I was 16 was horrendous. Now it seems to be nothing compared to the word count of my academic essays, research reports and dissertation projects! 

For this RPR assignment, the book I chose was Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger which I absolutely adored. I won’t say it was or is my favourite novel, since my list of favourites is far too long, but I did enjoy it. I did not completely relate to the teenage character Holden since I was not half as angry at the world as he was, but now in my adult years I find myself thinking about it and about his anger. It doesn’t seem to be so misplaced or misdirected after all.

Do you have any novels that you would recommend? Is there anything you have read which had an impact on your perception of the world and its people? What did you enjoy reading?